This past year has flown by!!! I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the holidays are almost here... Oh, and yes, I've decided to be one of those annoying people to put Christmas decorations up in November! I always make fun of those people... but mine are going up tomorrow- I like to take them down on New Year's, so I figure we might as well enjoy them for a month! I'd like to write a sappy post about how thankful I am, but honestly, I don't have the time... We're leaving for the lake tomorrow after Thanksgiving dinner with my family and my "to do" list is a mile long. Since I babble about them all the time, you know that my kids are my life- and I can't believe how fast they are growing up~ I am sooo thankful for them... but I wish they would stay little longer~ This is Addie in last year's Thanksgiving dress now worn as a top!