Knock on wood- we're the house that never gets sick... But boy have we been hit hard these past few weeks. First Brendan was sick, then Addie and Brendan, and now poor little Christopher has this nasty bug. We've had it coming from both ends- sorry, maybe TMI... and Chris set the record for throwing up tonight:( I ran to the store to get him Ginger Ale and applesauce like I used to get when I was sick- and he thought having soda was great:) Chris asked to go to bed- so you know he's not feeling well- So far, it's been a 24 hour bug, so let's hope that's true for Chris, and let's hope I don't get it because that would mean no Thanksgiving for me:( Cross your fingers that he's better in the morning- I hate seeing my babies not feeling well... I had out the camera and asked Chris to show me how he was feeling... and this is what I got in true Chris fashion.