Monday, October 19, 2009
Where have I been???
We had a super busy week... Addie came down with the swine flu on Sunday and had it all week. Actually, she tested negative for the flu just like Chris... but then the pediatrician told me that there is a 70% false negative with the swine flu... so I'm just convinced that they had it! Addie ran a fever of 103 for seven straight days:( Poor thing:(... We were also preparing for the wedding of the century:) Speaking of prepping, Addie had her first "beauty shop" appointment... She's always gotten her haircut at the Hair Cuttery, but thanks to Aunt Jackie, she was treated to a day at the spa at Hair Port:) Bless her heart, she could hardly keep her eyes open because she was so sick... but she LOVED the attention and getting pampered... I hope we didn't start a habit:)