This year, Brendan and I decided to celebrate Chris's birthday kind of low-key. Last year, he had a huge birthday party at Pump-It-Up and we know once he starts school next year he will want birthday parties with his friends, so this year, we are just doing "special days" with him until Wednesday:) Last night we had dinner at Fuddrucker's and we promised him we could play the video games- big mistake- each game was $1 a pop. Oh well, he loved it. Today, we went to Nana and Papa's house for cake with Nana, Papa, Todd, Sarah, Mage, Jack, Uncle E., and our family. Yesterday we searched Giant and Harris Teater for a Star Wars cake, but they don't have them... so Chris had a great idea to make our own. He picked out this fabulous cake from Costco and added his own Star Wars figures. It was just beautiful! HA!

Don't you wonder what he wished for?
After cake, Brendan and I took just Chris ice-skating. He's been wanting to go forever... and let's just say we could have waited a few years. Chris has always been really good at whatever he tries... but not today! He could not skate, stand, balance, or even hang onto the wall without falling. It took both Brendan and I to hold him up and help him around the rink. I'm sure we looked like the three stooges. At least we all got a good laugh out of it!