Poor Christopher. We had an awesome weekend planned... we road tripped to the lake and then had plans of taking both of the kids to the Virginia Tech football game... but Friday, Chris suddenly got sick:( We had received an e-mail on Thursday that a kid from his class was sent home and had tested positive for the swine flu. While we had the kids at a park (surprise, surprise) Chris started coughing pretty bad and then got a fever. Brendan and I took him to the Urgent Care at the lake and luckily, he tested negative for the flu. The doctor did say the test isn't that reliable, so he has Chris taking Tammiflu and an antibiotic... When we got back from the doctor, the puking began:(

Gram was sweet enough to take care of my little man on Saturday, and she even got him feeling well enough to cheer on the Hokies... He's still under the weather, but hopefully will be back to himself tomorrow... Keep your fingers crossed!