Addison lives her life playing and hanging out with her older brother... which may get her into trouble when she's older. She's definatly got the girlie side going on- she's become quite obsessed with princesses, ballet, and Dora:) However, she totally relates to boys... and I really think she knows she gets me when she talks about them! Every day when we go to the gym, she'll say, "I'm going to play with the boys!" I tease her, and when we leave the gym, she says, "Mommy, I play with boioys..." like she's taunting me. Today, when one of Chris's friends went on an outing with us, he sat in the car by her. Addie has a crush on him~ and it was hilarious- her face lit up when he sat beside her~ she totally turned the flirt on~ I had to get a picture:) Like her mama, she was "showing teeth"!

The other day, it was rainy and we spent the entire day playing inside... Addie's new thing is she loves playing hide-n-seek...
Addie~ Let's play hide-n-seek.
Mommy~ O.k., Addie, go hide! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Chris- go find sister!
Chris~ (He was building legos in the family room and didn't move or look at all.) Duh, Mom. She's under the kitchen table~ she hides there every time."
Addie~ Crawling out from under the kitchen table, "Here I am!"