Christopher is soooo much like his mommy- more than you could ever imagine- He's so headstrong and he's such a handful... but he has these moments where you just want to eat him up because he's so sweet. He loves to cuddle and talk for hours and I can honestly say I have such a special bond with my son... he tries my patience, but oh, does he bring life to us:) This morning at the gym, one of the kid's from his class was in the gym daycare for the first time- I walked in to get Chris and he said, "Look, mommy, there's Michael." We were riding home from the gym and I couldn't help but laugh at his total seriousness...
Mommy~ Chris, did you play with Michael at the gym?
Chris~ No, him just got there... And I was sitting down because I knocked Christian over and they told me I had to take a chill pill. But Mommy, I don't know how to do that, I don't have a pill to take. How am I supposed to do that? HA!
Also, the other day, he was sitting by a little girl from his preschool class at the gym daycare (I think this might be the happening place!) On the way home...
Mommy~ OOOOOOOhhhhhh Chris... Were you sitting by Elle!!!???
Chris~ Yeah, mom, I've got a thing for her.
He's already my little ladies man. Today, we went to the doctor for his arm, and he got his cast off. He is now in a splint for 3 weeks and then we go back. We saw the X-rays and they look great... but on the outside, his arm scares me. He had the stitches taken out and it looks so sensitive. There is still a ton of bruising, and his arm looks crooked... The doctor assures us it's healing great... he can even go swimming, take swim lessons, and he said we can enroll him in things like soccer camp this summer... so I guess we'll trust the doctor- but I'm still saying prayers. He's been such a trooper through this whole ordeal- so much tougher than I would have been!