OR NOT! Wednesday was a busy day... we also took the kids to the Ringling Brothers circus at the Patriot Center. We took Chris when he was younger and he loved it. This time we went with the cheap seats... do you notice that no one is behind Chris- That's because we were literally row Z and the highest of the high:) I'll have to say though, that the view was still really good and we were able to see everything great. Oh, and good thing we went with the cheap seats... cotton candy was $12!!!! Isn't that crazy? The kids LOVED the show, eventhough Brendan and I really felt like it was a trial run or something... Some of the attractions were not nearly as daring as we remembered... and there were soooo many mistakes! A lady fell off the trapeze bar and luckily landed on the safety net, a man fell off a horse in the middle of a trick and got trampled, the horse got spooked and the workers had to get it out of the ring, and just all kinds of mistakes were happening. It was still so worth the money to see the how the kids reacted... they loved it:)