Today, I told Addie and Chris to stand against the wall so I could tell them what we were doing today... I said, "Brother and Addie, stand against the wall." This usually works for me, because they think they are about the hear something special and I get their full attention- They stand perfectly still side by side... until today. Addie looked at me and said, "I not Addie, I sister." HA! We've always called Chris "Brother," and I never thought twice about it... well now, Miss Priss has us call her, "Sister."
Then, tonight, I was talking about watching a movie with Brendan. Addie started humming the Star Wars Darth Vader song... and Brendan said, "Maybe Mommy will watch Star Wars with me." I replied my usual, "NO, I hate those movies." Chris didn't understand why, so Daddy just said that Mommy isn't American. Chris looked at me and said, "Mommy why weren't you born in America. Were you born in China? Uncle Dave was born in China. He told me so." I cracked up... now my question is... Todd, why are you telling Chris you were born in China???