Wow... what a beeeeeyoooouuuuutifuuulllllll weekend! We went to Ida Lee for the annual Easter Egg hunt, and the kids had a ball... Addie collected a whopping 2 eggs! It was crazy- the parents of one year olds got to "help" them... but I stood back and let Addie get her own eggs and she LOVED it... But wow, some parents thought it was for million dollar eggs or something- they wouldn't think twice about snatching an egg right out from under a one year old! Chris did great and was so sweet- he got a bunch of eggs and didn't throw an elbow or anything:)
We also spent all afternoon at Nona and Papa's house with Jack and Mage. We even broke out the moon bounce... and tonight, I took the night off- Our neighbors had us over for dinner:) We've been doing a lot of dinners lately with the neighbors and the kids, Brendan, and I all love it:) We've been so lucky to meets some wonderful families in the hood:)