Of course, the kids still continue to crack us up... Addie got to have a "girlfriend" over this week and she had a blast playing actual girl things... like princess dress-up, babies, and barbies. She was so excited. She has been really into playing board games lately... and especially Connect Four. When I sat down to play with her, I said, "Ok, who goes first?" She said, "Me, Mommy. Ladies go first!" Ha! When I was doing her hair this week, I asked her who gave her such beautiful hair. She has an answer for everything and always responds like she knows the exact answer. She quipped back... "Thanks. My God and the real Santa Clause gave me my hair, Mommy." She's never at a loss for words.:)
Chris has also had a fun week and he's keeping busy with daily activities. We've become Chuck-E-Cheese junkies. He still loves to watch American Idol with me. Chris, Addie, and I pile into my bed and watch it. In between auditions, Addie sings Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Chris thinks if the people get to go to Hollywood that they "joined." He will say, "Did they get to join?" He always tells Addie she joins. He has started to have a little smartness back to Brendan and I and we're working on that... but sometimes it's hard... Like when Brendan disciplines him. At my parents, Brendan lectured Chris. Chris was mad, so he looked at Brendan and said, "Why are you such a maniac?" He then knew he was in trouble and walked straight to the stairs for timeout without us saying a word. Maniac? Where did he come up with that one? When Brendan was leaving for work, Chris was upset and asking him not to go... Brendan was telling Chris he had to go to work to make money so we could live in our house, eat our food in our house, etc. Then Chris said, "Ok... Daddy you don't have to go- I love eating at Resturaunts, we can just eat there." Ha!
We also had a birthday dinner for Eric at my parent's house this weekend... and Chris got to stay to spend the night with Nona and Papa all by himself. He LOVED it. Mage, Jack, Chris, and Addie were all playing together great. They were running around a chair chasing each other and then Addie stopped them all and pointed to the ground. There was a piece of poop on the floor and someone had stepped on it and tracked it on my mom's wood floors- YUCK!!! We checked every childs' pants and everyone was clean... As Mage says, It's a mystery. It's the case of the missing poop.