Oh Addison...
Addie has started to potty train herself. She is sooooo much like her brother~ She does and says everything Chris does, and she's following right in his footsteps with potty training. She is wearing big girl underwear all day, except for when she has to poop. She asks for a diaper, we put it on, she poops, and wants to be changed immediatley. This is the exact same thing Chris did and it drove us nuts!!! We're not stressing this time though, because one day Chris just woke up and said he wanted to poop on the potty. He did, and never had one accident. Let's just hope Addie does the same thing... and sooner rather than later.
Addie loves having her nails painted... and it's so cute, she blows them dry by blowing on them. The other day, we saw this amazing house built out of legos. Chris and I were admiring it and Addison said, "I built that all by myself," in a snotty little voice. I said, "No you didn't." She then shot back, "Well, maybe Daddy helped me. She's also added a new line to our prayers at night. She came up with it all by herself... "And God bless ALL the princesses." HA!
Oh, and Chris... is just our Chris. He's a walking comedian. The other night, he told us that "Sometimes when I'm around people I start talking REALLY loud so they don't hear me fart." Such a smartie! My brother, Todd, is going to grad school at UVA and has ditched Tech. He claims he's still a Tech fan, but I beg to differ. We went to Fuddrucker's last night with Todd, Sarah, and the boys (Ummm, hello- they have a deal where they feed a family of four for $25!), and Chris asked Uncle Dave if he was cheering for Tech during the bowl game. Todd said, "Yes," and then Chris said, "But my mama said you broke up with Virginia Tech." HA! Also, when the kids were picking out their free cookie at FRuckers, I was drooling over the German Chocolate Cake. I told Brendan to look at it, and that's when Chris shouted out loud in the restaraunt, "Hey, you can't get that. We hate the Germans!" It was so embarassing. He's been really into World War II, and I guess we haven't told him that things are different now.
We let Chris stay up until midnight to see the ball drop last night. He was passing out at 11:15, but Brendan and I kept him up. He was sooooooooo excited! After the ball dropped, we watched Travis Pastrana do the longest car jump... Chris said, "Wow, Isn't this guy being an idiot!" This little boy picks up on everything!!!! What are we going to do with him...
These are just a few stories... if you ever need a good laugh, come on by!:)