I bet you can tell we had a great weekend from all of these pictures:) We stayed busy the entire weekend... we rode jet ski's, fished, rode bumper boats, had picnics, ate way tooooooo much~ Joanie made my favorite burritos- so much for the weight I had lost... she seriously could sell those things!- hung out on the dock, went to the park, I tried to ride the wakeboard, but the wakeboard rode me, Aunt Ra-Ra and I became syncrhonized swimmers and swam from my parents dock to the McCullers dock (yes, we're crazy!), and did my favorite thing in the entire world~ hung out with family:)
July 4th picnic at Nona and Papa's

Bumper Boats- Chris was so happy he got to drive himself... shhhh- he was tall enough- we didn't mention the fact that he's only 4!!!

Chris LOVED hanging out with Averey and his friend Tyler- he thought he was hot stuff playing football, baseball, and who knows what with them!
Bumper Boats- Addie and I were trying to dodge Chris and get Mage and Sarah:)
Three Generations... we got to talk to Gramma McCullers this weekend- wish she was there to spend the weekend with us... but she's all moved into her new home... and we think she's busy charming all the men already!!!
My sweet boy...
Handome Averey...
Love this little girl:)
Poor Averey- I cornered he and his friend and made them let me take some pictures:)
Chris showing off his diving skills

Sooooo happy at the lake!

Fishing with Pop Pop
My babies... they are growing up way too fast:(
Precious smile- she usually squints her eyes! She was so happy in her Gram's lap in the swing- I really think Addie and Gram bonded while I was in Paris:)