Good girl Add, train him right:)


Oops- who let their kids sit in the aisle and spill their popcorn... Not us, right? Don't worry, we cleaned it up:)

After the movies, we had a playdate at the park with these peeps and met up with my college roomie, Katie, and her two kids... I swear I'm not making these playdates with Katie up... the camera is coming out next time:) The kids took a beautiful nap and then we joined up with some neighbors at the pool... The night before, the kids were watching a little bit of the Bachelorette with me- Yes, they were up way too late, but when you're the local pool rats and shut the pool down, by the time we get showers, it's late:) It was so funny because Addie was soooo upset when she saw Kiptyn ride away- he didn't have his seatbelt on- She kept saying, "Oh no Mommy, no seatbelt." That girl is too funny- we have to have our seatbelts on- and the doors have to be locked when we are driving, if not, she lets us know! And for the record, Reid totally should have been the one~ what was Jillian thinking? I can't wait for the next season of the Bachelor- word on the street is that I know one of the bachelorettes... and Eric's prediction is that she'll win:)
Today, we went to the good ol' Loudoun County Fair. We had a full day of seeing animals, a motorcycle show, a magic show, and riding extremely expensive and probably unsafe fair rides... entertainment at it's finest. The kids had a blast, but I'll have to say it wasn't my favorite outing... It was rainy, my hair frizzed, and when we got home, B said we smelled like animals- YUCK! The kids got to hang out with their besties, Jason and Katelyn from down the street, so they loved it!

Chris won a blown up army gun at the fair... and all day, Addie kept saying, "Wanna play, Chrisey?" She will do absolutly anything to play with him... so she spent the afternoon running around, being shot by Chris, and playing dead. Probably a little inappropriate, but they were having fun. It was actually kind of cute- they have such and bond and love each other so much. Well, I take that back... it was cute until I came downstairs and saw Addie laying "dead" on the carpet with blood on her chest. Thank goodness I came when I did... I was gone for a few seconds, and when I came back, Chris had busted out the ketchup and fingerpainted Addie with "blood." If it had gotten on my carpet, I might have lost it, but I came in time- Chris was lucky- I cracked up:) That was actually pretty creative, don't ya think? Never a dull moment around here!