After the pet show, Mage came over to our house to play... He's sooo sweet. After the kids played at our house, we went to our neighborhood park and there were a bunch of boys playing... so Mage and Chris joined in. The group decided to play "superheroes," and the boys started naming off who they were... "I'm Spiderman, I'm Wolverine, I'm Batman, I'm the Incredible Hulk, and then we hear the sweetest little voice chime in... Mage said, "I'm Kitty Cat." He is just too cute.

The cousins have been playing so well together... when we get together with Todd and Sarah, it's almost like we have a babysitter- the kids play soooo well together now. They just love each other so much, and it's so nice to see. It's gotten to the point where the four of us adults can actually relax and hang out... good times:) We keep saying we're going to break out a game or cards to play... but we don't want to press our luck too much!