We stayed in the house all weekend and Chris and Addie were soooo good! I think we watched enough t.v. for the entire year, but that's o.k... Today, we went to the doctor, and Chris was such a good little boy. First, he had X-rays... and the moment I saw them, my heart sunk. One bone looked completely perfect, and the other bone looked completely broken. We met with the doctor, and he said that one bone has moved, but that kids heal in remarkable ways so he went ahead and gave Chris the blue cast he wanted. Brendan and I don't see how this bone will ever heal properly, I don't even think it was touching... but we're trusting the doctor's judgement (he might know a little more than us:)) and we'll just see what happens. We go back next Monday to see if it moved any more, and if it did, then we will have to go to the OR for surgery... so please, please, please say prayers that it his bones stay put. There was some good news and bad news though... The bad news is that due the his severe break and how much these fractures can move, Chris can't play sports for at least three months and we're going to have to be extremely careful with his arm... If any of you know Chris- he is probably the most active and busy little boy I know, so we're going to have our work cut out for us... No flag football, and no soccer:( On the bright side, the doctor said he can go back to school, play his DS, and do some halfway normal things. And the coolest thing ever was that we were able to get a cast that can go in water!!! I didn't even know they made those- it can even be completely submerged in water which will make life much easier! The inside lining is made out of a gortex material... it was pretty cool:) Oh, and poor Miss Addie- I really think she's going to have a complex. If you saw Chris's picture in the hospital- he had a scratch on his face... from his loving sister:) Every time my mom told her that he was in the hospital, and when my mom and dad told her today his was at the doctor, she pointed to her face and said "Boo, Boo." We really think she thinks she put him in the hospital... but hey, maybe she won't pinch his face any more:)