It hasn't been the best of times for me the past couple of days... nothing major, but please tell me bad things come in 3's and I've hit my max... Where do I begin...
1) Yesterday, the little boy next door threw a rock over the fence- we're not talking about a pebble... It was a rock bigger than a baseball with mad points on it... and it hit Chris in the top of the head. Chris started screaming, crying, and blood was GUSHING out of his head- running down his face... not pretty. Brendan and I both freak out when it comes to blood, so Brendan drove Chris straight to the hospital... An hour later, he was cleaned up and on his way home- Thank God, it was just a small puncture cut, and wasn't bad at all... But, I am so glad we took him to the hossy- I wouldn't have been able to clean all the blood up- he had red hair, and after the whole Natasha Richardson ordeal, there's no way I would have been able to sleep without worrying that he had a horrible head injury.
2) Brendan and I love taking the kids swimming... so, yesterday we went to Ida Lee to swim. After playing with the kids, I told Brendan I was going to sit in the hot tub for a few minutes. I was in heavan- laying back, the jets were pounding my neck and back, and boy was I relaxing... UNTIL... I opened my eyes and saw a lady giving me a horrible look... I looked up and saw the strings to my swimsuit floating by my stomach in the water... NOT GOOD!!! My swimsuit had come untied and was
not covering me at all! I quickly tied it back around my neck, jumped out of the hot tub, and we took the kids to run around on the basketball court.
3) And then there is the white elephant ordeal... Isn't that a saying? And, no, I'm not referring to me
being an elephant! I think that's what you say when there is something that you know is hanging around but you don't want to talk about it... or maybe I'm making that up? To make a long story short, a few days ago, I created a blog to document me losing weight- called "Put down the oreos"... My plan was to post my weight and keep a food journel to help me stay on track... It was a private blog just for me... but I accidentally posted my weight on this blog... How humiliating! I would not have even known, but today at lunch with the
whole family, my cousins asked why I posted my weight on my blog?!!! Ever since I got pregnant with Chris, I've had trouble with my weight and eating habits... and I will be the first to tell you that it
really bothers me. I'm not one of those people that embraces it- it
bothers me. I think about it every minute. I'm the biggest Weight Watchers dropout you've ever met and suck at following diets- so my approach to losing weight is going to be the healthy way- to "Eat less, and move more". I've just finally decided that it's time to lose the weight- when your fat clothes don't fit you, you need to make a change, right? So, as Alexis Wood says- I'm just going to "own" my weight, put it all out there, and take control. Now granted, that was NEVER my intention, but since I messed up, I might as well... Maybe this will hold me more accountable, and some of you can cheer me on:) I can't believe I'm about to do this, but here goes...The day I married Brendan, I weighed 137 (and God Bless the boy, he doesn't think I'm a pound over that now:)), before I got pregnant with Chris I weighed 145-150, the day I delivered
both Chris and Addison- I weighed the exact same- 179.6, nine days after having both of them I weighed 159, and now I weigh close to 175-Yikes- only 4 pounds less than when I was nine months pregnant! So, from now on, I will randomly post my weight... and hopefully I will reach the 140's... maybe even 139 again:) And if not, at least I know that I have so many friends and family members that love me just the way I am:) Speaking of that- Todd and Sarah knew how down I was about this whole incident- so they called and invited the kids and I over for a "salad party" and to let the kids play... How sweet is that? I love you guys:)
Yes, I've lost it... my mom said I should have put... Ha Ha... April Fool's~ I don't weigh that:)
Oh, and if you have any tips on weight loss, please share the wealth:)