Jen, Ash, and I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning having a middle-aged woman slumber party... and it was great! When it was time to go, Ash and I did what every person fleeing a storm would do... we picked a city and decided to go explore it! We went to Montgomery, Alabama to shop, eat, and relax! We would have relaxed a lot more if my directions were better. We were trying to find the hotel... and I typed it into Ashley's GPS on her phone... After driving for way too long while following my directions, Ash decided to check out the phone... when she saw that we had "1 Day, 8 Hours" left, she knew I had messed up... Let's just say that we know know there is a Carmichael Drive somewhere in Cali. Oops! Let's just say it was not Thelma and Louise at our finest!
The girls and I had a great time even if it rained on our parade...
Today, it was back to life as I know it. I would show pictures of Christopher, but Uncle E took him to a class at L.A. Boxing!!! He loved it and I think we may sign him up- It's actually a workout class geared for little kids and I think it would be great for him during these winter months.
While Chris was doing his thing, I was with Addie Tay at Nona's. We were talking about how she has ballet tomorrow... and why do you think she is laughing so hard? Could it be because Nona surprised us both by putting on her 1980's leotard and twirled around demonstrating all of her ballet moves? HILARIOUS... wish she would have let me get a picture for the slog, but my life was threatened!
Oh, Addie... Really?