Here's a link to her blog: You should totally read what she wrote~ it brought me to tears- especially the part about her dad.
I can't tell you how much this made my day... and it really made me think. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family in my life. I am truly blessed. Thanks Angie sooo much... I have already framed the clover and I will always cherish it... and it will be a constant reminder about just how lucky I really am.
When I was taking this picture, I realized some of you might think I'm crazy for what I have on my mantle... But I've decided that I want to have a house full of meaningful things to me. People often wonder why I have a Smucker's Jelly Jar in my bedroom on our side table... It was actually given to us during our wedding ceremony and our pastor talked about "loving kindness." It's a reminder to Brendan and I both about how to treat each other... I also have this random old tin Prince Albert can that probably makes no sense whatsoever to most people. I remember growing up, my mom used to tell us when she was little, they would prank call the grocery store and ask, "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?" They would always say, "Yes." And then, my mom would say, "Well, you better let him out." I always found this hilarious... and to this day it makes me smile. Next time you visit, make sure you look for the four-leaf clover... I can guarantee it will be out somewhere in my house... and I hope it brings you luck... or at least makes you smile like it did to me:)