Thursday, August 6, 2009
After our library trip, we stopped by Nanny and Pappy's house this week. The kids are always excited to see Nan and Pap... Nanny has been telling me to bring some books over to her house so she can read them to the kids, and I keep forgetting. Being the fiesty lady she is, she decided to find some things for the kids to play with herself. She pulled out some things from this piece of furniture in her family room, and I almost cried... The kids were so excited to play with the legos she pulled out... She also found some books, coloring books, crayons, etc. It was so crazy- my grandparents have lived in their new house for about 10 years, but when she pulled the bag of legos out, I smelled this smell... Not to worry, it was a good smell- The bag smelled exactly like their old garage from their old house. The smell was still there after all those years! It brought back so many memories. Also, when she pulled out the crayon box- an old Russel Stover's candy box- I looked at it and died laughing. I remember playing with that box of crayons like 20 years ago. Then I saw Lauren's handwriting on it and it said, "Nanny's crayons- You have to ask her to use them!" That was then crossed out- and another grandkid had written, "No- Nanny says you do NOT have to ask her." Ha! It just made me think back to all the fun times growing up at my grandparents house. And, it also made me so happy that my children are hopefully going to have some of the best memories of Nanny and Pappy of their own...