Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We came, we saw, we conquered!
Once again, I've been a blog slacker... it took a couple days to get settled back in once I got home from the best trip EVER:)! And then, I got sick, and sicker, and sicker than sicker:( Right now, I'm being treated for pneumonia... but finally feel like I'm at least getting some strength back... I even went to the ER because I was convinced I had the swine flu! O.k.... enough about that... Let me just tell you that I wasn't all that excited about going to Paris. Call me crazy- but my ideal vacation is a beach, sand, sun, anything with water- and I'm a happy girl. I was nervous I would like a "smart" city about art, architecture, etc... but I was so excited Brendan came up with this adventure pretty much on his own, and I am soooo glad he did! We had such a good time just being a couple and it was so fun because neither one of us had been to Paris before- so we were on a mission to experience it all... and experience we did. The trip got off to a rough start... an 8 hour flight being stuck in the middle seat is no fun... and then when DELTA loses your luggage and you are without it for two entire days, you kind of get upset. Yep- my luggage was lost... this seems to happen to me a lot... but at least this time I didn't need a dress for a wedding and I was able to make do! Right Jen?:) Paris was soooo easy to get around and we basically bought a metro card and would wake up every morning and stay out until midnight taking it all in... Seeing all the "touristy" things there are to see, eating great food- ummmm hello pastries, walking random streets, and just enjoying being with each other... in Paris!!! I know it's totally cliche, but one of my favorite things was the Eifel Tower... soooo awesome- except for the fact that we got in the wrong line... without elevators and had to take stairs all the way up to the 3rd level!!!