Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The National Zoo
So, Ash and I decided that we owed it to the kids to have an adventure... so we chose to drive to D.C. and visit the National Zoo... and visit we did. We managed to spend the ENTIRE day looking at animals, picnicing, and playing at the zoo and we had a great time. The kids were so good. It was a great day until we left the zoo and realized we didn't have directions home, and the only road we new was Pennsylvania Avenue. I made the mistake of saying we were going to the President's house and Chris mentioned "Barack Obama" and that's when all hell broke loose. Betsey cries if she hears his name, and Chris kept egging her on. She only wanted to go to John McCain's house. We haven't brainwashed our children or anything. After touring all of D.C., we managed to get Brendan on the phone, and he guided us home- Thanks B!