Saturday, November 13, 2010
For the Record...
Chris- my handful to the fullest- got his first report card this week. When I went to his conference, his teacher gave me a new sheet that said the teacher's were not going to give any "O's" for outstanding during the first quarter because they felt all the kids had room for improvement- so they recieved "S's" for satisfactory... She then said they had since changed their mind and that some kids in fact deserved "O's"... and Chris was one of them. In fact, he got straight "O's"... and after going over his report card, he had the highest marks possible! She said that they "love having him in class, he is the best role model, works hard, and is so sweet." She also said he has it all together and "is doing great academically, socially, and emotionally." She went on and on about how great he is!!! There was not a bad word said about him. Am I bragging? YES!!! She then looked at me and I guess could read my facial expression and said, "I take it he's not like this at home!" Ha! For real, Chris is a great kid, but he's just Chris... If she saw me holding my breath at the bus stop every day because I'm afraid he's going to go crazy, she'd understand... So- a big Woo Hoo goes to Chris- he is really making us proud this year.:) I know that not every conference or year will be like this- but I'll take it!