Sunday, October 24, 2010
Scary, Scary
The kids were excited to decorate for Halloween today... We added spider webs, caution tape, spiders, bats, cemetary signs, and turned a pumpkin into a spider. They think it's amazing! I prefer fall mums and white pumpkins... but as Ashley's daughter, Betsey, says, "That's lame. Don't ya know, kids like scary stuff!" Ha!

Courtland Village Party!
The kiddos
O.k... I could tell they weren't in the mood for pictures earlier in the day... but I tried. The kids are so full of personality lately. Addie likes to sing all day and loves singing "Halelu- Lah!" It's so cute. She loves school and is soooo good at coloring. Chris never enjoyed just sitting and doing things like that. She loves all things crafty and musical- both things that I'm horrible at and she's going to pass me up in a year or two! Chris is doing great at learning to read and it impresses me how hard he works on his speech. He's doing great in school- but this week at home, he threw some three-year old like tantrums... but please tell me- This too, shall pass!

Sycolin Creek Par-Tay
I officially feel old. I took the kids to the elementary school for a huge Halloween party sponsored by the P.T.A... It was a costume party and there was a D.J., dancing, games, a cake walk, and concessions... The kids LOVED it. I was surprised though- Chris was really shy and wouldn't dance until I forced him to get out there. It was sweet though- He was playing "tag" with his friends... In other words, he and other little girls were chasing each other around the gym. So endearing. I would have taken pictures there, but I was quickly able to sense that as a parent you don't do anything to embarass your kid.:)

On Thursday morning, we hosted a seven kid playdate! I know- what was I thinking? Actually- ALL of the kids were sooooo good. We stayed busy though and I forgot to break out the camera to get us all in action... We made French Toast, and I couldn't believe it when I cracked an egg and my friend, Katie, pointed out it was a twin egg. I've never seen this!!!

While I had the camera out to catch the egg, Lucy- Katie's daughter was ready for her snapshot... Something tells me she is used to posing.:) Soooo cute!
While I had the camera out to catch the egg, Lucy- Katie's daughter was ready for her snapshot... Something tells me she is used to posing.:) Soooo cute!
Keeping Busy
Daddy was out of town all this week, so we had to stay busy at night! We tried to frequent the gym and then have a homecooked meal instead of resorting to eating out... We made homemade pizzas and hot chocolate one night... along with fruit.:) The kids had so much fun, and thankfully they went to bed easily! I'm not ready for daylight savings time and it getting dark so early... but if we have nights like this, I think we'll be just fine!

Da Dentist
We went to the dentist for the second time this month. I tried to take Addie by herself one day and she threw the biggest tantrum EVER! They didn't even try to take her back! We decided it was best to reschedule and she went in the morning with her brother and was an angel like she was the first time she went earlier this year... I think we'll stick with both of them having an appointment on the same day! I need Big Brother's help... and her stuffed animal.:)!

Sunday Funday
We had another great afternoon with our cousins last weekend. We took over Nona and Papa's house for the whole afternoon and evening. This time they were all for it because it was so nice and we played our little hearts out outside. Chris and I thought we had invented a new game... "Swim Across the River"... until Todd and Sarah told us it is Sharks and Minnows on water and not on land. Oh well, we'll still say we created it! Jack and Addie drove Addie's jeep until the battery died, and the kids played in the pine needles for a good hour. We don't know what they were doing or why it was so much fun- but they were quiet, laughing, and in our sight, so we let them be! We ended the night with a fierce game of t.v. tag and kickball...

The Zoo...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A Family Affair!
Obviously, Addie didn't find Sunday nearly as exciting as we did.:) We spent the day at a 5k and it was a total family affair. Check out my other blog- for details on the day! Next up is the Ashburn Farm 5k. I was going to do the 10k, but I have since decided I want to improve my 5k time first.:)

The Pearson Four
After Chris's baseball game, Todd and Sarah stopped by to watch the second half of the Hokie game (Goooo Hokies!). As usual, their visit turned into an all day long affair because the kids (and adults) have so much fun together. We played outside, inside, at a park, and then ended the night with smores at Nona and Papa's!!! It was my kind of day!:)

Mageroo wanted a climbing picture- Here ya go, buddy.:)

Please ignore me trying to throw gang signs. I couldn't help myself. Brendan and I played Todd and Chris in two-hand touch football. I was so proud of myself. I totally Michael Vick-esqued Todd- faking him out and ran for a touchdown. It was awesome.:) He will have you know that he returned a kickoff for a touchdown on the previous play- but it was nothing like my move.:)
Mageroo wanted a climbing picture- Here ya go, buddy.:)
Please ignore me trying to throw gang signs. I couldn't help myself. Brendan and I played Todd and Chris in two-hand touch football. I was so proud of myself. I totally Michael Vick-esqued Todd- faking him out and ran for a touchdown. It was awesome.:) He will have you know that he returned a kickoff for a touchdown on the previous play- but it was nothing like my move.:)
Friday Night Lights
O.k... a boring post without pictures, but I had to document that Chris had his first baseball game under the lights! Both Chris and Addie were sooooo excited and were yelling, "Friday Night Lights" all day long. He played great, and Addie had so much fun with the girls she's met this season!
Other updates... Chris is learning soooo much at school- It amazes me every day! He is doing great and seems to love it! He is still obessing over Ho-bo's and we don't know why- totally random! Chris makes friends so easily and he's been busy trying to plan his birthday party. He asked if he could take friends to Disney World, and then he said his dream party would be to have friends over and let them all give Uncle E an atomic wedgie. What!?! Where does he get this stuff? I hate to say it, but I think he's going to be dissappointed because I don't see either of those parties happening. We went to Yo's house for Nicole's sixteenth birthday party and he got to play with his cousin Caleb. I wish we saw them more because they were two peas in a pod!
Addie is as sweet as ever. She thinks she's going on eight years old and proudly invites third graders over to her house to play with her- and they happily come! She tells fibs a lot- but they are sweet... Like if Chris says what he did at school, she comes up with a huge story about what she did and she didn't even go that day. She makes us come up with homework for her every day while Chris is working on his. She now colors perfectly in the lines, but we can't get her to write her "A" right- She does it upside down 100% of the time... Any advice? At night, when she had to name three things she's thankful for, she said, "Fish, Noses, and Fans." I don't know where she gets these things....
We continue to enjoy playdates and staying busy!!! And the newest highlight to our nights is that the kids love "skypeing" with Gram and Pop Pop before bedtime. They think it's the coolest thing ever!
Other updates... Chris is learning soooo much at school- It amazes me every day! He is doing great and seems to love it! He is still obessing over Ho-bo's and we don't know why- totally random! Chris makes friends so easily and he's been busy trying to plan his birthday party. He asked if he could take friends to Disney World, and then he said his dream party would be to have friends over and let them all give Uncle E an atomic wedgie. What!?! Where does he get this stuff? I hate to say it, but I think he's going to be dissappointed because I don't see either of those parties happening. We went to Yo's house for Nicole's sixteenth birthday party and he got to play with his cousin Caleb. I wish we saw them more because they were two peas in a pod!
Addie is as sweet as ever. She thinks she's going on eight years old and proudly invites third graders over to her house to play with her- and they happily come! She tells fibs a lot- but they are sweet... Like if Chris says what he did at school, she comes up with a huge story about what she did and she didn't even go that day. She makes us come up with homework for her every day while Chris is working on his. She now colors perfectly in the lines, but we can't get her to write her "A" right- She does it upside down 100% of the time... Any advice? At night, when she had to name three things she's thankful for, she said, "Fish, Noses, and Fans." I don't know where she gets these things....
We continue to enjoy playdates and staying busy!!! And the newest highlight to our nights is that the kids love "skypeing" with Gram and Pop Pop before bedtime. They think it's the coolest thing ever!
Pumpkin Patch!!!
It's that time of the year again, and I'm sure this was the first of many visits to the Pumpkin Patch. Daddy got to go on a trip to Switzerland and London last week, so we tried our best to stay busy. One morning, we got to the pumpkin patch when it opened and stayed until Chris had to go to school... The kids loved it. Chris was even doing flips this year in the moon bounce! The kids LOVE all things Halloween. They make me drive around neighborhoods to look for "scary" houses that are decorated. I think they find it better than Christmas lights! We've started collecting "scary things" for our yard and hope to decorate it next week. Chris wants to make it so scary that people throw up. Nice. He really wants "vultures" eating bones, so if you find some, let me know- Ha! But for now, I'm enjoying mums and cute pumpkins on my front porch, until the craziness starts!

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