The kids crack me up... and I am so lucky to get to hang out with them every day. We've had some fun trips that I forgot my camera for:
-We spent an afternoon at Algonkian Park with the Hayes clan. Chris, Addie, and I waited the thunderstorm out for an hour and a half and then closed the place down- We had to whole park to about 10 of us that stuck around. We're hardcore.:)
-Addie has been loving playing house with Brendan and I love to listen. She kept wanting to be the Mommy and all she would have the Mommy do was fart!!! I asked what she was doing, and she said, "Mommy- that's what Mommy's do!" HA!
-Of course, we've done the park, more pool playdates, and Chuck-E-Cheese. We even had Dorian, Roya's son, over for a sleepover!
-We've had a few days of spending the whole day with Todd and Sarah. The kids play and we hang out... and I couldn't be more proud to pass along the news that I'm going to be an aunt again... Congrats Sarah and Todd!
-We've also had tons of fun hanging out with Molly, Taylor, and Caroline. The kids just think they are the greatest... and we love being dorks with Jessy and Danielle.:)
-Chris is completely into the Animal Planet channel. He says it's "interesting." HA!He also dressed himself, put on his aviators, and came downstairs to say, "Now I can pick up some chicks."
-We had a lot of fun school shopping with Nona... even when Chris managed to get a hole in his cup at Chick-Fil-A and he closed down the line until clean-up arrived! Oops!