Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This is a public service announcement...

PLEASE WEAR SUNSCREEN. I know I'm probably the worst person in the world to stress this- I fake-n-baked the first 28 years of my life- Heck, I even worked at a tanning salon! But please, wear your sunscreen. Earlier this year, my mom had a little spot checked on her nose... and it ended up being skin cancer... The little spot required MAJOR surgery- She literally had a black hole all the way through her nose the size of your thumb tip- It was freakishly scarey. She could stick her finger through the side of her nose. I thought she was never going to be o.k... but thankfully they got all of the cancer, and after having stiches upon stiches, a skin graft, and laser treatments, she's got a beautful nose:) Well, my dad is always having spots frozen and things done to pre-cancerous cells on his head, shoulders, face... you name it. This week, they found skin cancer on his arm, and now he too needs surgery. Skin cancer is not something to take lightly, and it is something all of us can help prevent. Next time you are out in the sun, please make sure you are protected... and if you do need some color- spray tans have come a long way- trust me:)