Speaking of Ramona- Bless her heart- this is what she looks like when she wakes up- Ha!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Oh Ramona
My sweet Addie Tay reminds me so much of Ramona from the movie Ramona and Beezus- even if you are an adult- I highly reccomend this movie- it's great! She is the sweetest thing- but she's just always a little off- she gets words wrong, is spunky, and doesn't have a care in the world! Poor thing is covered in scratches and cuts from being such a tomboy and playing with the older kids in the street. She is even starting to ride her bike all by herself without training wheels- she was the one that demanded the training wheels be taken off!!!
Speaking of Ramona- Bless her heart- this is what she looks like when she wakes up- Ha!
Speaking of Ramona- Bless her heart- this is what she looks like when she wakes up- Ha!