Here is a picture of Chris with Kylie Jordan- Remember that name- trust me, you will hear it again. She's thirteen, swam with Chris on the Red Rock swim team, and is the best swimmer I have ever seen- not to mention she's sooo nice. I made her take a picture with Chris because I think it will be worth something one day- She's THAT good!
Here is Chris with his buddy Thomas- They are the only two 6&under kids that made it to all-stars- Out of about 140 kids only 8 kids made all-stars from Chris's swim team.
One of Chris's favorite parts of the meet was goofing off with Coach Kevin... Kevin pumped him up before the meet- I thought it might have been about advice on his swim... but Chris tells me it was by talking about Captain America- whatever- it worked!
Chris definitly brings the fan support... Averey drove all the way from Pennsylvania, Gram and Pop Pop made the drive, and I didn't even get pictures of Jackie (notice Chuck posing with Addie- he gave Addie "dollars" too for being a good fan!- Ha!), Nana, and Papa!
O.k... No pictures from the actual race- this mama was way too into it to snap pictures- I was yelling my head off.:) Chris took first in both free and back out of 25 teams in Loudoun County- to put that in perspective- He was first out of about 500 6&under swimmers!!! We are so proud!
At the end of the races, they even had a medal ceremony! Chris was so happy- and don't ya just love how he went up, and totally jumped onto the podium- Ha!
And then the back ceremony...
And I love it when things come full circle- I know I wrote about how I was so proud of Chris for taking up for his former teammate at the Brambleton meet- He was being picked on by Chris's current teammates, and Chris broke it up and took up for Mikey... Well, Mikey took second at all-stars for freestyle! He and Chris were on the podium together and high-fived in front of everyone... I swear those two have a special bond.:)
After swim team, we had a great day- we visited baby Callan and went to Yo's hour for another fabulous pool party. But like most of the summer- I was slacking with the camera... Goal- It's time to get back to regular family blogging! I'm missing out on too many memories!