Let me start off by saying... I never in a million years thought that Brendan's cousin Hank would get married. He just didn't seem like the settling down kind... until Melanie entered the picture.:) After years of me nagging him, I can't do it anymore- He's hitched!
I've been to a lot of weddings, but this one really was different- filled with special touches that made it memorable...
It started on a a beautiful, crisp, spring day on a Mississipi river boat.
The boat had beautiful woodwork on the inside, and I couldn't help but notice the soundtrack from the movie Titanic playing as we boarded.:) Melanie looked absolutely gorgeous!
It couldn't have been more appropriate... the boat was called the River Queen- and it was the weekend of the royal wedding.:)
Another example of how I know quiet Hank is whipped and in love. He danced. To Thriller. In the middle of their first dance, the record scratched. Melanie looked pissed and I started to worry. And then they busted out to the Thriller dance. Priceless. I hope someone you tubes it.:)
Awww... mother of the bride dance. I will lose it the day I have to do this with my Christopher. So proud...
And I missed taking a picture, but Susan, Hank's sister roasted him. Ha! I don't have a picture of Susan from the wedding- but there is one of her at the beach with us. Brendan has some on his phone of Chris and Addie wrestling with her- they had a blast and now are obesessed with both of the Bauer kids.
After a eating a delicious cake, we finished sailing through the canal and saw some beautiful homes.
One of the best parts of the wedding was that it had built in entertainment. Addie made friends with Melanie's neice, Charlotte...
And Brendan and I actually got to sit at an adult table and really enjoy our meal. At first I was thinking- Are they crazy??? But there was a kids table with older kids that watched Chris and Addie. Addie fell in love with Abby and both kids actually behaved and we didn't even have to check on them. It was the fabulous. If we are attending your wedding in the future, we really liked this idea. Ha!
Thanks Hank and Melane for hosting an awesome weekend. It was definitely a weekend where love was in the air.:)