Exhibit A: We give her money to get pizza and/or dinner and the next morning things are appearing around our house...
and this... Hello Caitie- You spent more than we gave you...
She did redeem herself though by taking the kids by Eddie's house for some pictures that made my day... He's so awesome and totally catches the kid's personality- a gift, I tell ya, he has a gift...
Sweet Addie Tay...
And our Christopher.:)
LOL- Chris is sooo excited about this one. I need to blow these pictures up for our entryway in the huge frames. They just show our kids being themselves... My only problem, do you think I'd be able to play it off that "No, we don't allow guns or play with them in our house" to other mom's on playdates? It might hurt me. Oh well, it's worth it... and for the record, Baby Caitie also bought that gun...
Um- how much fun are they having!?! I wish I was there to see this.:) Pure Happiness! At least for the time being- I'm sure bedtime was a different story...

Oh- and Chris has informed us that Baby "Taitie" has a boyfriend named Jason. This was the best picture of him I could find. He's the one in the black lace... Can you tell we choose the best people to watch our kids?

TOTALLY KIDDING... LOL... they were at a Lady GaGa concert in this picture... glad to see they most def have personality.:)