Little Addie Tay LOVES the pool. She is learning to swim and loves the water!!! Tonight when I was warming up leftovers for dinner, she had to put her plate in the mircrowave and do it herself. Without thinking, I said, "Shut the door, push one, three, zero, start,"- and she did just that all by herself! I don't know if she really knows her numbers or if we just warm up leftovers and food using a microwave way too much! We took the kids to make wishes at the fountain in front of the movie theatre and Addie wished that "she will always love everybody." Sweetheart, I hope that comes true!
Chris has started swim team and is swimming for the Brambleton Bettas. He has been moved up to the 6-8 year old practice and we're hoping he gets his cast off on Wednesday! He is more in love than ever with his legos and got to have one of his best friends over for a big boy playdate this past week. He's really good about including Addie when he has a friend over, so it makes me happy! He continues to work really hard in speech and will be getting services this summer. When he made his wish, he wished "that every day is Christmsas." Ha!