Our friends/cousins Jessy (Yo's cousin) and Danielle live in the hood and hosted an end of the school year ice cream bash and invited us so we could get to know some of our future neighbors. It seems like everybody knows everybody and people seemed sooo down to earth. Although Addie was a little shy, Chris of course jumped right in...
And doesn't it look like Caroline just popped Chris? Don't tell her, but I think he has a little crush on her.:)
And if this doesn't show that it's our kind of neighborhood... I was positive by the end of the night that we will fit right in. Addie refused to go home until she took a bath with Molly and Taylor- Jessy and Danielle's two youngest girls. It was so cute to listen to the girls talk about having future sleepovers and plan activities out. It was just precious until... Taylor decided to poop in the tub. It was glorious... and it was in that moment that I knew we are right at home.:)