On Sunday, Addie had her recital... and I don't know what happened! Ha! She bravely walked out on stage and then stood. She stayed in one spot waving a wand with one hand... and didn't do one thing else! Her feet never even moved a milimeter. I don't know if she had stage fright or what, but all of the other little girls were dancing around doing great and Addie never moved! I was laughing so hard I was crying. In the end, Addie had a great time and thought she did great. She LOVEd getting make-up on and being the center of attention- and for once Chris let her without a fit! Nona, Papa, Chuck, Jackie, Butch, and Linda all joined us in the audience to see her wonderful performance!
Gotta love it... Chuck and Jackie even gave her Hokie colored ribbon on her flowers... Gooooo Hokies!