Today was just one of those days where I love my job:) I always
love staying at home with my kids, but some days are defiantely much harder than others. Anyone that knows me knows I am a warm weather girl. I hate the cold, and winters drive me crazy... The kids and I usually live outside, and during the winter we hate being cooped up. We started the morning off by taking Chris to preschool- he stayed late today for lunch bunch, so Addie and I got to have a mommy/daughter date... We went to story time, and it was so much fun- for both of us. I got a little sentimental, and remained that way all day. Poor Addie is always busy going places for brother, and sometimes I feel like she hasn't had those special moments like Chris did... By now, Chris had been in a hundred different classes, and Addie just went to one of her first activities where it was just the two of us without Chris... and it dawned on me- she's almost two!!! She has grown up soooo fast. She had a blast and was the cutest little thing singing along with the songs, clapping when they were done, and just loving the individual attention... I'm no longer slacking- she will be enrolled in gymnastics next week:) After we picked Chris up from school, we visited Douglas Park... We took a short nap and were back on the park circuit for a couple hours in the evening, visiting two more parks... We had soooo much fun. The kids and I always stay active... but sometimes, I'll be the first to admit, I find activities just to "wear the kids out" so that they take a good nap, or are ready for bed. Today, we just had so much fun- we laughed, played, and loved on each other all day... it's days like these that make me realize how lucky I am. Next time I'm in a funk, I'm just going to think of today and remember that these days go by way too fast and I need to cherish every moment.
They love each other sooooo much:)

Chris and his friend at the park.

Little Addie Tay-Tay... she was so funny- I put her on a big girl swing, made her hold on, and was giving her baby pushes... she turned around, looked at me, and said.. Underdog, Mommy, Underdog:)

Little Topher- doesn't he look older, he got a big boy hair cut... Oh, and at lunch bunch today, they had a Noah's Arc Workshop- kind like Build-a-Bear- He got to stuff and make this bear... He named his bear "Chocolate"- such a good name for a white teddy bear:)- I asked him why he named a white bear Chocolate... and he said- I love Chocolate, and I love my bear. Genious:)