We have tried EVERYTHING, and I mean everything to get a cute picture of all four grandchildren for my mom's family Christmas card. We had a photo shoot at Sarah's house, I've had my camera out at every family get together, and this weekend we even had my Dad surprise the kids by dressing up as Santa Clause in an attempt to get a good picture. Let's just say we've given up on getting all four in good moods and looking at the camera at the same time- and we're using individual pictures. It wasn't all a loss though- when the kids saw "Ho-Ho," visit Nona and Papa's, their expressions and reactions were priceless- something we'll never forget. For the first time ever, Christopher was nervous... and Mage reported loud and clear he wants a dog. It was one of those precious moments:)
Speaking of Christmas cards, I'd love to say that mine are in the mail... but that would be a lie. Brendan and I had to cut back on things, and that was one of them- but we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year- and I promise to get pictures out of the kids soon:)