We're so blessed with all that we have, and this Christmas was just a reminder of what means most to us- Family...
Since Nanny and Pappy aren't here, we had to find a new place to gather- and this year it was at my parent's house... And since we make the biggest mess ever, we traded in a prime rib, homemade dinner for Christmas Eve at Fuddrucker's... The kids loved it- and there was no clean-up!
We then came back to our place and opened presents and then went to my parents house for all 30 of us to gather and do the family gift card exchange. I had been kind of emotional about everything... because last year we still had Pappy and the loss of Nanny was so new that it didn't seem real... And then something calming happened this year... I realized that eventhough my grandparents aren't here... Things haven't changed and they would be so proud. We're still one, BIG, LOUD family with tons of love in our hearts... and I wouldn't have it any other way... I just wish I had taken more pictures!