Today, the kids had an early dismissal from school for dental appointments... They both did great- Although the dental hygienist still remembers Addie from her first visit 3 years ago when she threw a total fit and wouldn't be seen... I think she left quite the impression.:) Yay for no cavities... Let's hope they continue to have Daddy's solid teeth and not mine.:)
After their appointment, it was a gorgeous day, so we headed to Trailside Park... Chris was my sweet little boy but started off playing the "I'm getting to big to play at a park" card... I'm soooo not ready for that...
Kevin, Lauren, and Callan came to meet up with us and Callan was the center of attention- sooo cute!:)
Chris continued to have a 'tude and I was getting fed up...
Oh yes, he's going through that stage... making funny faces, talking in strange, annoying voices, and just being all out goofy...Sweet Addie... Along for the ride- always happy and making friends... :)
But as soon as Kevin and Lauren left- who now looking back on it, he was working hard to be "big" in front of... He found his inner kid... and we stayed for another hour. The kids made friends, played in the woods, and even knocked down and then rebuilt a tee pee.
Dare I say it- Chris became my loving, sweet, little baby boy... and
We ended up having a perfect day. Yay for parks... and Chris and Add better get used to going... Baby #3 deserves to visit the park at some point in her life.:)