Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Extended Vacay
O.k... so, the streak continues- I've been failing to break out the camera.:( Brendan and I started a tradition a few years ago- when our children were horrible car riders that we would break up the trip to the Outer Banks. Yes, we overnight on a 5 1/2 hour car ride! Ha! This year, we stopped in Richmond to see Jon, Stacie, Baby Jonathan and new arrival Eleanor.... and of course, I didn't unpack my camera.:( She is such a sweet baby- and we so enjoyed our time with the Pickrals as always!!! After our visit, we continued to the Outer Banks to the Hilton and stayed the night. We decided that this will be our new thing- Since we can't get into the beach house until 4pm, it gave us an entire day at the beach and the pool and we loved it!