Monday, February 7, 2011
Addie and Daddy Time
Addie is typically a Mama's girl- She always wants Mommy/Daughter time... and we usually look at the boys and say, "Girls Rule, Boys Drool." But lately, she has been into her Daddy. I'm so thankful that Brendan has been home this past week- He was home during the snow and played with the kids outside, and he's been playing his heart out with the kids inside. I'm good at scheduling things for the kids and being on the go, but he is the best at just good old fashioned playing. Addie LOVES games and Brendan has taught her how to play Uno, Connect 4, Memory, and Guess Who! She can play all four games unassisted- When she asks who you are on Guess Who, she's learned to spell out the name! These two could spend hours playing together!