Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Pickrals!!!
Brendan and I have stayed really close with his college roommmate and his family and we try to get together a couple weekends a year. This weekend, we enjoyed hanging out with Jon, Stacie, and Baby Jonathon... and were sad to see the weekend come to an end. The kids played together GREAT- no fighting at all. We enjoyed a date night to Sweetwater when Baby Caitie babysat the kiddos and Stacie and I enjoyed winning in spades- as usual. This kids loved having a little one around and were so cute playing with Jonathon- but he is growing up soooo fast! Aunt Stacie was so sweet- she brought supplies and made homemade suckers for Chris's class... I made a Valentine (of course with a Star Wars sticker per Chris) and we tied it to the suckers... and I looked like mom of the year with my homemade artsy fartsy creation. Shhhhhh... don't tell anyone it wasn't my doing- it's my secret.:) We're looking forward to visiting them soon... and can't wait to meet Baby Pickral. Stacie found out what she was having on Friday, but won't let anyone know... For the record, my prediction is a girl.:)