Friday, September 21, 2012

Blog Hiatus

I'm alive!  I can't believe I stopped blogging for over two months!  So many stories, adventures, and moments that I have missed... 

It's kind of coincidental that I stopped blogging the week before we left for the beach. Or... shall I say not coincidental at all!  Brendan and I found out at the beach that we'll be becoming a party of five next spring!  Yep, a baby is on the way!

If you know me, I usually stay up until 1am- every night... but ever since I found out I was preggo- my bedtime has been 8 or 9- I'm in bed, under the covers, praying I'm not gonna be sick- so my late night blogs got cut out of my routine...  But I'm going to try to start blogging again during my huge four hour chunk of time every day.  I'll try to catch up on some things we missed this summer, and keep chugging along with our daily in's and out's.

Right now, I can't tell you how blessed I feel in life. It's been a rough year with the loss of my grandparents- that still gets me every day... and some health issues with my parents, but things are looking up.  We have a loving family, beautiful home, and the kids are just flourishing.  I might complain sometimes about how they drive me crazy- but really- Chris and Addie have been sooooo wonderful lately.  They excel in school so much, have great personalities, and are rockstars at their extracurricular activities.  They truly amaze Brendan and I every day. They are loving, cherish our family, and we are just in a great place.  Perhaps, this is why sometimes I think to myself- What have we done adding one to the mix- Ha!  I have a feeling our world is really going to be rocked next April...  but we're excited for the ride.  And for right now, we'll thank our lucky stars that God is Great and Life is Good.:)