People probably think I'm on Facebook 24/7... which I kind of am. What can I say- I check it in the morning, and when I have to sit for an hour at gymnastics, swimming 3- now 4 times a week, during preschool drop-off, pick-up, and just randomly throughout the day. Sometimes I check it when I feel like I need some adult conversation, I'll check it on my phone- Ya know- when I'm playing "salon" and having my hair styled by Addie for the 20th time in one day, yes, I probably check facebook!:) And sometimes I just post a status so I can remember the sweet... or not so sweet "out of the mouth of my babes" stories. So, my point is... I'm much better at "statusing" some of my favorite Chris and Addie stories than blogging... so here are a few...
Eggs with Sazon Goya, gym time, the park, and then spending the afternoon at my mama's with the fam for E.E.'s birthday dinner = perfect day.:)
Yep- we ventured to Lovettsville for slurpees and a new park... :)
My high is when we're going over highs and lows at dinner and my kids can't think of a low for the day.:) Yesterday was a good day, hoping today is the same. On that note, I'm off to look up "slushy magic." "Mom, it's not in a store, it's only on-line!" I have to say it looks pretty cool- Hope it's better than the Bendaroos I got suckered into.:)
Actually Chris had no low- and Addie said something that made absolutely no sense at all and we all just went with it to make her be quiet (She babbles waaaayyyyy too much on these things) so I'm counting that as no low.:) Chris's high was getting to play tag at recess with his "cousin" Caroline- awwww.:)
Addie's teacher conference... Not nervous at all to go... unlike when I go to Chris's... #thedifferencebetweenaboyandgirl :)
Talk about being proud.:)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Happy Birthday EE!
Nona and Papa had Eric's birthday dinner and the grandkids had a blast playing together- as always... And let's just say Eleni is now getting in on the action- Maybe not by choice but she sat with the kids during dinner and this is how we found her!:) Sweet baby girl.:)
Averey Lee!!!
We made a road trip up to Pennsylvania to see Avery Lee play in a basketball tourney... the kids (and I) just love him. We got to see Averey play- Could not have been prouder- He is the captain of his team and played every minute- and made time to make my kids feel special- even taking Addie over to his friend Jake that she's in love with to get a picture.:) We enjoyed a nice dinner out courtesy of Bradley Kyle- and it made for a wonderful afternoon!:)
Friday Night Date
With Daddy on a trip, the kids and I decided that it would be fun to go to Barnes and Noble to spend gift cards from Aunt Denise and Uncle Bruce... Ummmm.... best gift ever! The kids and I spent well over an hour looking at everything in the huge bookstore. They had everything- games, books, reading areas- and we looked, and looked, and looked. The kids were able to get their favorites and LOVED picking out their own gifts! Thanks Uncle Bruce and Aunt Denise!
Addie was easy to convince- She got the classic The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstien and an Amelida Bedilia book with Mommy's coersion.:) She also got to pick some things on her own- including a Team Umi Zoomi painting book, a find and see book (She loves these!), and a Ty stuffed monkey that she has now added to the collection of things she sleeps with at night- it's getting a little ridiculous!
Chris was a little harder to direct- I wanted A Light in the Attic or Where the Sidewalk Ends... but I think he made the best choice by picking out the newest Kids Bop c.d.... We got one for Christmas and the kids LOVE these- and I do to. Kids remake the current hits so both Mommy and the kids can enjoy the same music. He also picked out some a "Bad Kitty" book, a book about the titantic and the Pokeman pocket dictionary!
Addie was easy to convince- She got the classic The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstien and an Amelida Bedilia book with Mommy's coersion.:) She also got to pick some things on her own- including a Team Umi Zoomi painting book, a find and see book (She loves these!), and a Ty stuffed monkey that she has now added to the collection of things she sleeps with at night- it's getting a little ridiculous!
Chris was a little harder to direct- I wanted A Light in the Attic or Where the Sidewalk Ends... but I think he made the best choice by picking out the newest Kids Bop c.d.... We got one for Christmas and the kids LOVE these- and I do to. Kids remake the current hits so both Mommy and the kids can enjoy the same music. He also picked out some a "Bad Kitty" book, a book about the titantic and the Pokeman pocket dictionary!
Baby Madeline
Addie and I got to visit Matt and Ashlie... who are we kidding- it's all about Baby Madeline these days!!! She was soooooo sweet and just beautiful. I can't believe my Matt Matt is a Daddy. And can I just say that I'm a little jelly- I think this baby will be professionally photographed every week of her life by the best photographer ever- Eddie.:)
Addie was in Little Mama mode and loved seeing Maddie. Matt and Ashlie were so laid back and even let Addie hold her- and Addie was in heavan! I love these pictures- it's so sweet- Addie and Madeline are both the first great-granddaughters of Nanny and Nancy (my grandma and her Baby Sister).:)
Addie was in Little Mama mode and loved seeing Maddie. Matt and Ashlie were so laid back and even let Addie hold her- and Addie was in heavan! I love these pictures- it's so sweet- Addie and Madeline are both the first great-granddaughters of Nanny and Nancy (my grandma and her Baby Sister).:)
Pickrals 2012
The Pickral family rolled into town to spend the weekend with us and we had such an amazing time- as always. It's great just to hang out, play cards, act like nerds, and have fun. The kids play so great together and we adults get to hang out and catch up. We did manage to take the kids on an educational outing to the air and space museum.
Sweet baby Eleanor was soooo good the entire weekend- and the kids LOVED having a baby in the house.

Sweet baby Eleanor was soooo good the entire weekend- and the kids LOVED having a baby in the house.
Johnathan and Addie got along so great- and were so sweet looking at all the planes...
Oh Chris... How do I love thee?:) Never a dull moment with you sweetheart.:) But I wouldn't want it any other way!
Looking for action
Oh how life changes when you have kids... When it's freezing outside and you don't want to pay for an activity, you can find yourself looking for things to do! We found the "All about me" health fair at Stone Ridge and decided to visit. It was actually pretty cool- I Am Modern- the magazine I write for was there... and they had cooking demonstrations, free candle making for the kids, beer tasting for Brendan... and much more. After my mom spent $100 on one bra after running into "The Bra Lady"- where have I been- they actually do home shows for bras now!?!... we were able to skadaddle... But not without hitting up the free facepainting- A VT, and a girlie heart- so sweet.:)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Bad Blogger
Oh, we've missed out on so many things once again!!! Swim meets (where Chris is rocking it out even swimming up with 7-8 year olds), birthday parties, playdates, setting up chairs at the pool parking lot and letting the kids run wild, a weekend full of Park Hopping- complete with a trip to our new favorite park in Berryville, gymnastics, and the list goes on...
Here are a few of my facebook statuses with things about the kids- I don't want to miss moments like these.:)T
The kids and I went to visit Pappy and I noticed the workers looking at Addie... I looked down and she was completely barefoot eating ice cream in the formal dining room... "Addie honey- where are your shoes?" "Mommy, I took them of at the front door!" Ha!
Addie and I have become regular visitors at the nursing home- All the residents love Addie- especially Miss Icey and Mr. Louie.:) She's only set the alarm off once.:)
Chris got new shoes yesterday. We just came to the gym after church and I forgot to bring my sneakers. I'm wearing his. Seven years old in a men's size 7. Wow.
Addie- "Mommy, I can't believe D.J. is five... My boyfriend is really five years old!" Ha!... Yesterday, Addie had an accident and wet the bed...- Ugh! Addie- "But Mommy, Nona says accidents happen." Chris, "Yeah Addie, but Daddy says accidents can be prevented!" LOL!
Nothing will ever compare to when my dad accidentally gave the kids a margarita from an unlabeled pitcher in Todd's fridge... But today came close. Papa was watching Mage and Jack and was on top of things brushing their teeth... And then Judy Booty walked in and rained on his parade... He brushed them with sunscreen!!! Ha!
Preschool show and tell really cramps my style when it has to begin with the letter of the week. We're supposed to be at school in five minutes and we just settled on a net. #alwaysatthelastminute
Here are a few of my facebook statuses with things about the kids- I don't want to miss moments like these.:)T
The kids and I went to visit Pappy and I noticed the workers looking at Addie... I looked down and she was completely barefoot eating ice cream in the formal dining room... "Addie honey- where are your shoes?" "Mommy, I took them of at the front door!" Ha!
Addie and I have become regular visitors at the nursing home- All the residents love Addie- especially Miss Icey and Mr. Louie.:) She's only set the alarm off once.:)
Chris got new shoes yesterday. We just came to the gym after church and I forgot to bring my sneakers. I'm wearing his. Seven years old in a men's size 7. Wow.
Addie- "Mommy, I can't believe D.J. is five... My boyfriend is really five years old!" Ha!... Yesterday, Addie had an accident and wet the bed...- Ugh! Addie- "But Mommy, Nona says accidents happen." Chris, "Yeah Addie, but Daddy says accidents can be prevented!" LOL!
Nothing will ever compare to when my dad accidentally gave the kids a margarita from an unlabeled pitcher in Todd's fridge... But today came close. Papa was watching Mage and Jack and was on top of things brushing their teeth... And then Judy Booty walked in and rained on his parade... He brushed them with sunscreen!!! Ha!
Preschool show and tell really cramps my style when it has to begin with the letter of the week. We're supposed to be at school in five minutes and we just settled on a net. #alwaysatthelastminute
Things that make me happy...
It's the little things that make me happy...
Like when I drag the kids to Home Depot and promise if they are good that they can each pick out their very own paint sample chip- I mean, just what every kid wants (for some reason they make my kids soooo happy!) and when they decide that they will pick out marroon and orange. Woo Hoo... Yay Virginia Tech... Brainwashing is working!
Like when I drag the kids to Home Depot and promise if they are good that they can each pick out their very own paint sample chip- I mean, just what every kid wants (for some reason they make my kids soooo happy!) and when they decide that they will pick out marroon and orange. Woo Hoo... Yay Virginia Tech... Brainwashing is working!
2012 Sugar Bowl!!!
Mama and Daddy started 2012 off with a bang by taking a trip to New Orleans! We flew down to watch the Hokies take on Michigan in the Sugar Bowl. Unfortuneatly, we lost (eventhough we really should have one- stupid refs!)... we had an amazing trip and getwaway. We stayed at the team hotel and got to see some of the players- Brendan and I laughed that we were giddy over seeing young teenagers- ha! Brendan got to see some of his old teammates, the sports information director, and Bill Roth- the voice of the Hokies even came up to Brendan- He remembered Brendan from baseball (back then he used to travel with the baseball team on the bus) and talked to him for a while...
We toured the lively city of New Orleans taking it all in- We ate Nawlin's food- having Po' Boys at Mother's, had a four course dinner with creole, jambalya, and enjoyed beignets at Cafe Du Mon... twice.:) We lost $60 in 7 minutes at Harrah's the casino and decided luck just wasn't on our side real fast! We toured the city- visiting the cemeteries, different sections, watched street performers, walked the river walk, shopped- ummm... don't get Brendan started- we walked 6 miles to visit the brick and morter store of a children's catalog that I order from- ha! And we can't forget the partying!!! We lived it up pretending we were 21 again- we danced, stayed out until the wee hours of the morning, and decided that there was no way we could do it two days in a row... but did recover for the third night! Fun times!
The kids were of course spoiled by spending two days with Gram and Pop Pop and then two with Nona and Papa- and Addie didn't even cry this time... which I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about!!!
This was my first bowl game- and hopefully it was the first of many! In fact, we joined the maroon and orange club in hopes we are able to get tickets when our team makes the National Championship next year- one can only hope, right?:) Go Hokies!!!!
We toured the lively city of New Orleans taking it all in- We ate Nawlin's food- having Po' Boys at Mother's, had a four course dinner with creole, jambalya, and enjoyed beignets at Cafe Du Mon... twice.:) We lost $60 in 7 minutes at Harrah's the casino and decided luck just wasn't on our side real fast! We toured the city- visiting the cemeteries, different sections, watched street performers, walked the river walk, shopped- ummm... don't get Brendan started- we walked 6 miles to visit the brick and morter store of a children's catalog that I order from- ha! And we can't forget the partying!!! We lived it up pretending we were 21 again- we danced, stayed out until the wee hours of the morning, and decided that there was no way we could do it two days in a row... but did recover for the third night! Fun times!
The kids were of course spoiled by spending two days with Gram and Pop Pop and then two with Nona and Papa- and Addie didn't even cry this time... which I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about!!!
This was my first bowl game- and hopefully it was the first of many! In fact, we joined the maroon and orange club in hopes we are able to get tickets when our team makes the National Championship next year- one can only hope, right?:) Go Hokies!!!!
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