Sunday, December 19, 2010
Elf on the Shelf
Thank you Aunt Denise and Uncle Bruce! They sent the kids gift cards to Barnes and Noble. The kids still have money left over to get a prize from them, but Mommy and Daddy used part of one of them to sneak to the bookstore and buy "Elf on the Shelf." I've wanted it forever, but never have the money to get it at Christmas time... It's been the BIGGEST hit. The kids love finding the elf every morning and so far we haven't forgotten to move it. They lovingly named our elf "Nickey Toothy." Chris picked Nickey. Addie picked Toothy, and I thought we were going to have a huge fight... but luckily, Chris stepped in and said, I know, let's use both of our names and call him, Nickey Toothy. It really makes no sense, but they were so proud, I just went with it.:) And I couldn't be happier because any time they aren't listening, now I can say... "I hope Nickey Toothy isn't listening and for now, they straigten up!