We had no plans today and I was home with the kids... I can't take playing inside all day, so I found a local park with trails down by the river. I packed a backpack and the kids and I set out on an adventure! We went hiking, played by the river, found worms, hunted for frogs, and then headed to the park. Todd, Sarah, and the boys ended up joining us and we stayed all evening! It was sooo much fun...

Todd wants you all to know that he beat me in a running race. Well, he did more than beat me- he killed me. I think this is the first time he has ever beaten me in anything. Oh, and I beat Sarah... HA! But she is claiming that she sprained her ankle... I don't buy it.:) Yes, the adults were participating in games, too.

Nice faces you guys... Addie is looking at ya'll like you are CRAZY!