Chris has been swimming with Snow Swimming for the past couple of months and competed in his first swim meet this weekend. He swam free and back and did awesome! He was the only 5 year old in the entire meet, and even beat a couple of people in his age division- which consisted mainly of eight year olds!!! The meet was a few hours long, so we weren't sure how he would do... but he loved it! We even gave him an out- We said, do you want to do another meet or was it too boring? He said, "Yes, it was soooo fun." He did say he was nervous before it started.:)
Before the swim meet, I asked him how to show me how to swim backstroke. He pretended, and while he was doing it, he said, "Thumb up, brush your ear, pinky down." I was shocked! He knows exactly how to do it. He then let me know, "Mommy, you know, I'm a professional." Ha!
Addie was such a good girl at the meet. She made friends and kept busy playing with her toys. She would have been happy playing there all day! She's her brother's biggest fan. The moment she wakes up in the morning, she says, "Where's my brudder?" The other day before naptime, I started to read a book to her, and she wouldn't let me start... she said, "Wait for my brudder, I don't want him to miss it." She always thinks of Chris... let's hope it stays that way for a while.:) Lately, she is into having "Girl time with Mommy, and boy time with Daddy." Now she calls time with daddy, "Daddy/daugther time." She soooo has Brendan wrapped around her finger already.:)