We've been staying busy and having lots of family time. Brendan and I have actually had a few dates- We went out for Valentines' Day and we had an "adult" night out this past weekend that was so much fun! Baby Caitie took great care of the children, and we really enjoyed ourselves! We've had tons of playdates, and Averey even came to spend the day with us... He's so good with the kids! He played with Chris, Addie, Jack, and Mage all day... and even went snowboarding with Chris! And can't ya tell- Addie is in love with him.:) The next morning, she woke up and said, "I want Averey to come to my house."
Just some quick pics so you remember what the kids look like!:)
The snow is still here, and the kids haven't tired of it yet! Our neighbor created an entire maze in their yard and the kids love it. They literally come to places where they have to turn around and figure their way out... There are tunnels and everything- this picture does NOT do it justice!
And finally, some big news! We have sold our house... Yes, we know that we are crazy, and yes, we are stressed... But no- it's not for any bad reason that one might think of. This is going to be a very bittersweet move... We LOVE our neighborhood sooo much and have made some of the best friends ever... We are taking a HUGE gamble and we are going to rent for one year and hopefully start building a house within the six months so it's done at the end of our lease. Keep your fingers crossed for us- we're taking a gamble with the housing market- which could end up being a very bad thing... but if we're able to get the house that according to Brendan, "I'm going to die in," I think it will be worth it.:) Oh- and we have to close by March 18th... so wish us luck on packing and making a move!