They insisted on sleeping on an air matress- and only wanted their blankies and lovies... and purses and flashlights and who knows what else. Molly was the only smart one and took over the bed all to herself in the middle of the night.:)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Addie was so excited to have a sleepover with Molly and Caroline (Taylor lasted through the movie and then Danielle picked her up)... They were much calmer this time and only stayed up until midnight- HA!
They insisted on sleeping on an air matress- and only wanted their blankies and lovies... and purses and flashlights and who knows what else. Molly was the only smart one and took over the bed all to herself in the middle of the night.:)

They insisted on sleeping on an air matress- and only wanted their blankies and lovies... and purses and flashlights and who knows what else. Molly was the only smart one and took over the bed all to herself in the middle of the night.:)