We decided it was rather nice out once school night and ventured out to Clear Brook Park in Winchester... This is somewhat of a tradition- You walk through a large park with tons of lights, a light show, munch on cookies and drink hot chocolate, and visit with Santa in a real log cabin... There's something that is just so special about small towns and I love it! This year they added special glasses for $2 that made all the lights appear as Santa! The kids loved them and now wear them in our neighborhood when we walk around at night looking at lights. The kids both said they wanted Ipads and Santa told them they have to do school work on them if they get them and use them to learn! Brendan and I both enjoyed it, but wondered if in eight years when baby #3 is Chris's current age, if Chris and Addie will be happy to go on family outings like this when they are teenagers- or if it will be like pulling teeth!