Wednesday, January 21, 2009


While I have my parents camera to download some pictures from tonight, I couldn't help but download some other pictures they still have on their camera... just a few of the 436... I think someone needs to learn how to get pictures off of their camera. Everyone knows how proud I am of my two younger brothers. Eric is the baby of the family and tonight he staying in a hotel and getting ready to take his first part of the CPA tomorrow morning in Richmond... Wow, that makes me feel old! He's always been the baby, and he's taking the CPA!!! Now, since he's the baby, I couldn't waste this time to fully embarass him:) I love you E:)

Oh, and so Toddie doesn't feel left out, I'm proud of him, too. He already has his CPA... and he's Director of Internal Auditing of a huge company, and President and C.E.O of B.F.A.M Clothing Company. He assures us you will see it in stores soon... just about the same time Eric's movie is coming out:)